Friday, December 9, 2011

I'm getting married!

Brad & I are engaged!!! It happened November 19th & I'm just now finding time to blog about it! Check out our wedding website for pictures of the best proposal ever :)

It's a little surreal to be planning my wedding for real. I used to read wedding blogs or pin wedding images on Pinterest all day for fun but now it's not just a fun time-killer, it's real & I love it! Even though my main task right now, finding a venue, has been causing me a lot of stress, I love that all our ideas will come together & we'll have a beautiful wedding & then be married! Here's what we have decided/planned so far:

  • Bought my wedding dress: can't post a pic because Brad might see it :) but it has pockets and a tilted bow on the back!
  • Bought our wedding rings: I can't wait to wear mine! Now what should we engrave in them...

We need to book a venue & set a date ASAP. Then I will be able to relax a little bit.

Oh, exciting news! We are getting our engagement pictures taken while we are in Paris by Juliane Berry, an American photographer living in Paris!
I am so excited because these pictures will be so unique & I think it will be a good way to introduce Brad to the city (we're taking the pictures on our second day). I just hope it isn't miserably cold while we're there. I want us to be able to walk around & enjoy ourselves without freezing. I might need to bring some hand warmers!
Here is my December calendar. It's one of my favorites: