Wednesday, October 13, 2010


My blog will soon have a new title!

I just haven't thought of one yet.

I decided that finding a job isn't & shouldn't be the most important thing in my life. Plus, once I get a permanent job, this blog's title won't make sense ("My Journey To A Paycheck") & I'm starting to like blogging :).

I'm still looking for a job & I'll keep posting updates about it but it won't be the focus of my blog anymore.

I've realized that I don't want any job. I don't want to dread waking up in the morning to go to work. I don't want paychecks & the weekend to be my only motivation.

I want my job to mean something & even make me happy. A bad work environment can turn you into a pessimist & it makes you feel like you aren't making the most out of your life.

I want to remain an optimist. I want to see the good in people. I want to love every part of my life & I definitely think that should include what I do for 40 hours a week. So wish me luck in finding happiness & a new name for my blog!

1 comment:

  1. Good luck! I totally know about looking for jobs :) I'm so lucky that I found one that I actually really enjoy doing and LOVE the people that I work with. I hope you can find the same!
