Tuesday, October 5, 2010

My Favorite Season

I'm back on my journey to find a "big girl job" aka a "career." My current job is almost over (in December because my boss doesn't need someone year-round) & I've starting looking for my next one. My boss has been great- she said she would write me recommendation letters & let me go on interviews during work hours.

This time, I have a better idea what I want- benefits!!! Insurance!! These past few months, I've had doctor & dentist visits without any health insurance & it has been very stressful on me & my dad (who, thankfully, still helps me pay for things even though I'm out on my own). However, since I'm being more picky, it's definitely harder to find job opportunities. I found one that seems practically perfect & I've interviewed for it (Yay!). I guess time will tell... but I'm anxious to find out what will happen next. I hate waiting because when I wait, I worry.

It's been 4 months since I last posted & it was in the middle of the hot Texas summer. Now, it's fall & it feels exactly how fall should feel. It's cooler but still warm. 75 degrees- the perfect temperature. I can't wait for the leaves to turn red, orange & yellow. This beautiful weather makes me wish I could be outside all day instead of in an office at a computer. I would even be ok with just a window.

I never thought that I had a favorite season. I love something from all of them. Spring- amazing weather, flowers blooming, you can finally wear shorts, t-shirts & dresses again, it's not too hot to be outside, watermelon, BBQs... Summer- swimming, no school, snow cones, late nights, sparklers, grilling outdoors... Winter- Christmas, Christmas lights, decorations, hot chocolate, blankets, sweaters, boots, snow, sledding, cuddling, fire places... Fall- beautiful weather during the day, cool weather at night, watching the leaves change, pumpkins, halloween, costumes, candy, the start of sweaters, blankets, hot chocolate :).

Now that I'm out of school, summer no longer means months of freedom, spring no longer means Spring Break, winter no longer means Christmas break and fall no longer means the start of school. So fall is now my adult, post-college self's favorite season.

One last thing, Stumble Upon is one of my favorite time killers/websites to find cool things. & I "stumbled upon" my dream house the other day ;)

Seriously though, a tree house like that, right in your backyard, would be such a cool place to relax & escape!

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