Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Photo Inspiration

Whenever I start looking at blogs, I end up with about 15 tabs open. I see something interesting on one blog, click on the link where that person found it, & discover a new blog. I do that over & over until I realize how many tabs I have open & get scared that the browser might crash (it does this frequently) & I'll lose all the new blogs I just stumbled upon. My favorite is Style Me Pretty. It always has the most gorgeous pictures of weddings, & ideas on how to personalize your wedding. Here are some pictures I've found that have inspired me this week. Most are from Style Me Pretty but there are a few from different sites (see the link below each picture).

Heart Shaped Balloons!

This makes me want to take pretty pictures in the
snow with my boyfriend!
(I hope it snows in Texas this year!)

This wedding in Florence, Italy looks like a fairy tale!

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