Thursday, November 17, 2011

Forever After

I started a business!! It's called Forever After and we sell wedding favors & gifts. I can't believe so much has happened in such a short amount of time! I remember talking to Julie back in August when we carpooled to work at the zoo about how cool it would be to own a boutique. Now, we have merchandise, homemade decorations, business cards, Facebook & Twitter accounts and a blog! We learned so much along the way. Like how to register our name with the county, how to get an EIN number, how to order wholesale from suppliers, how to set up a business bank account, how to make our own items like pinwheels and banners, how to negotiate with suppliers, and how to design a logo. Now we have a super cute boutique space inside Sugar Bee Sweets Bakery & Boutique and I couldn't be happier! 

After we took a small business class at the Fort Worth Business Assistance Center, we decided to start small. Getting a bank loan and trying to open up our own store would have been extremely expensive, challenging, and stressful. Having our own store our ultimate dream but our small space fits us right now. We are able to continue working full time at the zoo because Sugar Bee Sweets has a cashier who handles everyone's transactions. We are able to enjoy the fun part of owning a business- finding new items to carry, making new home-made gifts, and trying to get our name out there- while someone else handles the not-so-fun parts like paying electricity bills and dealing with sales tax.  

Here is a picture of Forever After!
You check out Forever After here (designed by me :))

Oh! And here is my November calendar:

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