Friday, June 11, 2010

Life's Surprises

Well... I got a job! After only 3 posts on here! It always seems like after you accept your situation, life surprises you.

Like when you're single, you wonder why you haven't met the right guy yet but you decide just to stop worrying so much and that maybe you are just supposed to be single for a while. You tell yourself that the right guy will come along eventually... and then you meet him!

Life is full of surprises but I think unexpected events like that make it interesting. It's crazy to think that only a week ago, I found the job on Craig's List and decided to send that e-mail with my resume. I didn't know much about the job but I figured it was worth a shot to apply since it sounded fun and I met the requirements. I was prepared to keep searching and applying. I knew it might take a while, but I was pleasantly surprised when I got the call that the job was mine! I think I'll really like it and now I can finally stop worrying and searching. I can relax!

I know this blog is public so I won't go into too much detail about where I'll be working but I'm going to be the assistant to an event producer who produces a popular, non-profit haunted house. I will be doing something different each day and I think it will teach me a lot. It sounds like it will be a fun experience and I can't wait to start! The only downside is that the job ends in December. So, I might have to start my search all over again.

But who knows? Maybe things will work out. Life might surprise me.

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