Tuesday, June 1, 2010

The Beginning

I've heard that finding a full-time job IS a full-time job.

I just graduated from college and at first, it felt great! After all my hard work, I was finally done! I'm a college graduate!! But then it hit me that I'm not done. I can't just relax and be proud of myself. I have to find a "real" job.

So, I started applying. At first, I only applied for jobs that sounded perfect, but then after many rejection e-mails and no responses, I became desperate. I started applying for jobs that weren't so perfect since I needed the money, but they didn't even call me. So far, I have applied to 32 places and counting... and still no job.

But I'm not giving up! This blog is about my quest to get my first "big girl" paycheck and *hopefully* my dream job!

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