Tuesday, June 1, 2010


I just came back from a week-long vacation to Disneyworld with my best friends! There's nothing like roller coasters, fireworks and Disney magic to take away the stress of looking for a job! I didn't check my e-mail or Facebook for a week and it felt great!

At least it's summer. You can get away with being lazy and unemployed during the summer. I just need to find a job by the fall. That's my goal! =)

In this weeks Parade magazine, there's an article about the new Harry Potter park at Universal Studios. It said that the people at Universal Creative spent years reading the books, watching the movies and gathering information to create this place that's supposed to look exactly like Harry Potter's world. THAT sounds like my dream job! I want to do research and collaborate with people and see our ideas come together. I think that's why I like wedding and event planning. I love bringing ideas to life!

I don't really have a specific dream job. I just know that I want to be proud of what I do and have fun doing it.

I love quotes! & I hope these will give me inspiration to keep going even though the road is bumpy right now!

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